Monday, June 22, 2009

Nora Roberts always delivers

That's what I think. I know that anytime I pick up a Nora Roberts book, I will like it. She has never proven me wrong. They are such great reads and satisfying romance. They always have wonderful plots, just the right amount of romance and sex and keep your attention waiting for what will happen next. Her newest quartet of books starts with "Vision in White". These four books will center around 4 women who have known each other since childhood and have gone into business together as a wedding planner service called Vows. In this first book, you are introduced to the team but centers around the wedding photographer, Mackensie. I actually really appreciated this one as I have felt the awe and inspiration that taking photographs does to you. Capturing the right photo at the right time at the right angle. Mackensie is brought together with an old school mate, who has had a crush on her for years, unknown by her. Carter is a bookish high school teacher, not well versed in the ways of love and romance. It is a with a sigh that I say this book was refreshing with the' find your way through the romancing process' that occurs. There were so many times I laughed and sat with my smile on my face, while reading this book. A bright spot in a usually boring day. I wholeheartedly recommend reading this book and am holding my breath for the next ones.

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